Monday, October 1, 2007

Ninja Bandit

The ninja bandit is a scary thought of those who live on Staten Island. He is supposedly dressed in all black with a matching ski mask and carries around a set of nunchucks. He has already broken into 16 homes within the time of 4 months. He has managed to slip into the homes by skylights, windows and front doors, making off with cash, jewelry and a cell phone, police said. On five occasions, the burglar was confronted by homeowners, but managed to escape the scene. The incidents have occurred in the Todt Hill, Grymes Hill and Grasmere sections of Staten Island between the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. He is described as a 6 foot man of medium build, though no-one has seen his face the police are eager to find him. One man whose home was broken into actually stabbed him with a steak knife in the kitchen, but the ninja bandit didn't even make a sound when he got stabbed and left the home with the steak knife sticking out of his chest. Hopefully they will catch this man soon because he is worrying many people.


Leo said...

Nice writting Maria. I've never really heard of this guy, the Ninja bandit. Sounds more like the kind of criminal only Hollywood could come up with. Good writting, makes an interesting passage.

wordy worldly said...

I don't think he's a real ninja, he's just dressed like that. Hopefully he will need help for the stab wound and get caught already.